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All pictures by Jim Hill.

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Pictures 1 to 10 of 17.
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  415  Bill Headby Jim Hill 
  Do you have memories of Bill Head? Photo taken in the 1940s. ...

  438  Could this be Norman and Elsie Clark ?by Jim Hill 
  Can you help with who these people are? We have guessed the date....

  445  Florence Doust and Mills familyby Jim Hill 
  This is my grandmother Florence Doust talking to the Mills family over the wall. Across fr...

  417  German Coasterby Jim Hill 
  A German Coaster sank in the mouth of the Harbour in January 1975. It was 3 weeks before i...

  447  Gunnar Mills and Jim Hillby Jim Hill 
  Taken just before Jim (on left) emigrated to Canada in 1953....

  467  James Doust in Gordon Placeby Jim Hill 
  James Doust, owner of the now defunct, Rye Harbour Garage. Taken behind where they lived i...

  468  James. Florence and Philip Doust by Jim Hill 
  James and Florence Doust with my uncle Philip, their son. He became a doctor. He was born ...

  493  Kate Doust talking to Chris Millby Jim Hill 
  A picture of my grandmother Kate Doust talking to Chris Mill over the fence that they both...

  439  Mr Mills, Olive Kell and son Davidby Jim Hill 
  We have guessed that date....

  275  Rye Harbour Garageby Jim Hill 
  Here is the sign that was on my grandfather's garage before it was sold. It stand for Jame...

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